
How Sony virtual production tech enabled creative storytelling on ‘Hestia’

Written, produced & directed by Isobel Drane and Kieran Lowley

"Created in just 16 weeks with only two days of shooting, Hestia—a collaboration between Red Robin Films and Sony | Professional Europe—serves as both a tech demo and a case study of Sony's cutting-edge Crystal LED VERONA display system and the Sony BURANO and VENICE 2 digital cinema cameras.

I was recently invited to a screening of Hestia to report on a project that showcases the potential of Sony's latest virtual production technology while providing a fantastic opportunity for a young filmmaking duo.

What I found was more than just a showcase of gadgetry, however. It was a testament to what can happen when passionate storytellers are given access to tools that were once the sole province of blockbuster productions.

Leaving the event, it struck me that I had two stories to tell; one about human connection and collaborative creativity and another about technological innovation in filmmaking.

In the spirit of Hestia itself, which blends the human and the technological so effectively, I decided to tell both stories in one article... "